Robin's Story - Page 6

Created by Eric 10 years ago
• He loved the Girls and Grandchildren very much and would spend hours playing with them in the garden, chasing them and generally playing silly pranks with them. A game of Monsters was a particular favourite game which I can remember. You had to get from 1 shed to the other shed without being spotted by Robin who would be lurking in the bushes as a Monster. He would scare the living day lights out of you playing this game but it was great fun. Sledging near St Owens is also fondly remembered by the Grandchildren and so was his singing in the car as well as practical jokes. Nathan remembers 1 occasion when he was given an axe to chop wood up and Robin pretended that Nathan had accidentally chopped one of his finger’s off. • As already mentioned, Robin was a calm person but even his patience would be tested from time to time. On 1 occasion, his Granddaughter, Abigail decided to leave the meal table one summers evening whilst eating outside without asking to be excused. Robin shouted to her to come back but she refused and ran away. Robin jumped up and proceeded to chase her but unfortunately did not look where he was going, tripped and ended up head first in the fish pond. He came out looking like a green scary monster covered in pond weed. All the kids burst out laughing but Thelma told them to stop as Robin was not amused. However, it was so funny even she burst out laughing after going back into the house.