Robin's Story - Page 7

Created by Eric 10 years ago
• One of Robin’s great loves in life was his horse racing which he followed until about the last 6 months. He would often whilst still working go to a race meeting if there happened to be a meeting in the area where he was working. His Brother would often meet with him and they had many happy times at the races. Thelma would come to sometimes. She had no knowlege of racing but her theory was if the horse was grey she would back it even if the horse stood no chance. The Cheltenham Festival was the favourite venue where myself and Dad with our friend Phil would meet with them. Huntingdon which is the local course was a course which they visited frequently. He last went to Huntingdon Races last year when Eric very kindly got him there in his wheelchair and myself and my Father met them there. He enjoyed the day and I must add had several winners. We were glad that he got there as it proved to be his last visit. • Both Thelma and Robin retired during the 1990’s and they both enjoyed a happy retirement, spending a lot of time with the Grandchildren. Thelma threw herself into researching the Family Tree which Robin always supported her doing and he in turn spent even more time following the horses and watching cricket. They supported each other in whatever they did which is what a happy partnership is all about. They also embarked upon many memorable holidays together with their close friends Wyd and Derek and travelled the width and breath of the UK in their beloved Camper Van. • They were married for 49 years and then suddenly in October 2010 Thelma died suddenly which was a shock to us all. It is bad enough losing somebody you love suddenly but for Robin though, this could not have come at a worse time as we knew at the time he was not well but we did not know to what extent. About 2-3 weeks later his illness was diagnosed.